good stress relieving tips...

Posted by darklilcaramel on 4:29 PM comments (0)

Weekend Alone, Again...

Posted by darklilcaramel on 1:44 AM comments (0)

Think I got it!!!

Posted by darklilcaramel on 2:11 PM comments (0)

Changes in my bloggy blog blog

Posted by darklilcaramel on 1:16 PM comments (0)

I have sorta moved my blog but not moved my blog...I dont know if that makes any sense...
I love what I can do with the background and the friends and stuff and how I can add all the bloggs I love, but I dont have the freedom that I get where I am now gonna post my blogs.  I will just link it over on each day...not to hard I guess...Thanx
Lotsa Love

rainy walk...

Posted by darklilcaramel on 11:07 PM comments (0)

I have the pictures I took of Chulo on our very short excursion out into the rainy evening.  I ussually take him to his faverotie park, Peninsula Park.  It has a beautiful rose garden and a maze that we both love chasing each other in.  There is an amazing fountain in the middle of the park that is just beautiful.  Until about three days ago Chulo was a little unsure of the fountain.  But when he saw a great big Rotweiler run and jump straight in there, he wanted to go in too!!!
He can't get up onto the ledge just yet.  He is still having trouble jumping onto things.  I figure he will figure it outon his own time.  He seems to love playing with big dogs, I think he is a little scared of the smaller ones.  He played with the Rotweiler and another mixed black lab that afternoon.  They ran around and he chased them and they chased him.  They accedentally steped on him twice but he kept right on playing.  I think he got a little annoying after a while he is just so full of energy and he just kept right on jumpin and bitting at their tales. He is a very brave little guy. I love him, I wish MissSassy was here.  I can not wait until they meet!!!

We only two blocks down to the community college campus.  They have beautifuly manicured yards there and a real cute memorial garden.  So that is where we spent our little bit of time.  It makes me a little sad to know that my boyfriend got the puppy for "us" and he never does anything for me.  I really think he got it because he thought I would keep busy with the puppy and not nag him.  He might be right about keeping me bussy but it makes me mad when he says he helps out.  I had a fever last night and I was the one who still had to get up when the puppy needed to potty twice.  When I woke up in the morning I was still not feeling well and the first thing out of my boyfriends mouth was..."make me some breakfast baby, some eggs and bacon please"...
No I did not make him anything to eat I was to tired and upset after he said that.  I just watched tv for a while in the living room and hung out with Chulo.  It has been raining all day and it was real windy when we went out for his walk.  I feel horrible that he did not get to be outside very long today, but it is what it is.  Can't change the weather so we did the best of what we got.  I think he still had a good time, he had never been to that little garden before and he had a good time exploring it.

I thought he looked so good here...they should make a statue of him!!!

Look at that face is it just not adorable???


He was trying to get to the bushes...he likes eating leaves...don't aske me why...he is a funny puppy 

 He finally got to the rose bushes...and did not care that there where thorns!!! It scared me so I had to remove him.  I don't want him cutting up his pretty little face.

He was so exited to be out he was jumping all over the place, I just thought this picture was adorable. 

Some beautiful flowers that were braving the weather...they put a little sunshine in an otherwise cloudy day. 

Had to take a picture of the sky, it just was not a very friendly sky.


Posted by darklilcaramel on 6:57 PM comments (0)

I feel absolutly drained and I still did not do what I wanted to do.  I do not like when that happens... I wanted to make my blog a little bit more me, I did not like how cokie cutter it was.  I sat here and tried for hours to change the background and the font.  I changed some of it, but I still am not absolutely in love with it.  I guess it is much better than when I first started.  I still have not walked my puppy...what a bad doggy mother I am. Its 6:41pm and I will do it just as soon as I get done with this. 
To my credit I did wake up with a fever and my stomache was killing me.  I could blame it on the weather for being warm during the day and freezing at night, or it could just be stress.  Either way I need to start loving myself a little more.  Because I am starting to feel like her...

I hope everyones day is going well.  I will try to snap a few pictures of Chulo when I walk him today.  He is getting so big!! I will try and post them as soon as posible...
Lotsa Love,

boyfriend complaints...

Posted by darklilcaramel on 11:35 PM comments (0)

I have been with my boyfriend for two years and two months.  He is my first real relationship and also the most confusing.  We have had our ups and down and our own share of drama.  There has been phyco ex girlfriends to deal with and bad habits he came with.  In time I have found out how much emotional baggage he has been storing away for years.  Even with all that he has been there when I have been stuck and needed a friend, he has had my back when I needed him.  Even though he makes me smile and he knows what makes me laugh a relationship should be equal.  No one should feel like they are weighted down with all the issues.  Sometimes there are those times when one or the other needs a sholder to lean on.  There is nothing wrong with helping each other out and being there for each other.  But it is not right to take advantage of that it is not ok to make one person in the relationship a permanent crutch.

I am afraid that is what I have become in my relationship.  I am the crutch, and I don't like it.  I woke up today and I still had a fever, (I got sick this weekend) I felt like my body got hit all over with paintballs.  My shoulders and neck hurt when I blinked.  I could not stay in bed because if I did the puppy would not get fed, and would do his business all over the apartment.  It pissed me off to see my boyfriend passed out with not a worry in the world.  He knew I was sick, he knew I was feeling like crap. I wish he would have said, Wait baby, I got it.  Stay in bed I'll feed the puppy.  You want some breakfast baby?....but instead he said.
"Babe can you make me some eggs and bacon?"

I did not even answer him.  I felt like crying, I just took care of Chulo then went and curled up in the living room couch.  I stayed there for a little while until I had to get up to get ready for a meeting for work.  While I was getting ready I realized that the kitchen needed to be cleaned, and there was a mountain of dishes that needed to be done.  The living room was not to bad so I picked it up and straightened it a little.  I thought maybe I could barter with my boyfriend.  I asked him very sweetly if I made him breakfast could he please help me with the dishes and the kitchen.  I let him know how sick I still felt and that I had to go to my meeting.  I also let him know that he was going to have to watch Chulo to make sure he did not go on the carpet while I was away.  So he said,
"yeah baby, I can do that. I love you. Your the best."

I looked at him and told him that he did not have to do all that.  Words are cheap, actions speak louder than words.  I just wanted him to do what I had asked without me having to ask him.  I know that wont hapen so I was just hoping that he would do it when I did ask him, plus I was sick.  I left for my meeting came back, and he was siting infront of the tv on chair in the middle of the living room playin X-Box.  I looked over to the kitchen and everything was still where I had left it.  The puppy pissed in the hallway and he had not even noticed.  I felt so angry, I wanted to throw something at him.  Not just anything though, I wanted to throw something heavy and I hoped it would hit him on the head.  I must sound like an evil girl, but I really do hate when I feel that way, I do not like having those kind of thoughts.  I just felt lied to and used.  I made him breakfast eventhough I felt like crap. He was just supposed to do the dishes and clean up the kitchen a little.

Instead his lazy ass was sittin there playing video games with a grin from ear to ear.  He looked like he was having the time of his life.  He turned aroudn and looked at me and said,
"I'm about to do it baby, I'm about to do it. Just let me get this win, yeeeeahhh baby, I'm on a roll."

He smiled at me like he had not done nothing wrong and blew me a kiss.  Ugghhhhh.....  I felt soooo pissed off.  I just started on the dishes and the kitchen myself.  I could not sit and wait around for him to do it.  He playes video games until four in the morning!! I know I am not a supermodel but I am not ugly.  I am a beautiful young woman and I have needs.  I want to be touched and cuddled and kissed.  I want to feel my man next to me when I fall asleep.  But intead my boyfriend is in the living room playing X-Box Live against probably some 11 year old that was up waaaay past his bed time.  I dont understand!!!  I found this little article on that talks about men and video games.  It says that a third of men prefer video games to having sex!

What the hell is wrong with these guys, and is my guy one of them??? I cant believe it, he just does not fit what I believe the description of one of those men would be.  He aint fine but he aint ugly either, I mean I wanna get in bed with him and know what I mean?  The article also says that when it comes to playing  a new game two thirds of men would choose video games intead of sex.  Its just crazzy to me. If anyone is reading this, let me know what you think. I would love to hear from other frustrated girlfriends.

puppy update...

Posted by darklilcaramel on 1:15 AM comments (0)

My little puppy Chulo has grown a lot since he first came to live with me.  He is now almost 2 times the size he was when he first got here.  I can not believe how fast he is going and how quickly time slips through our hands.  He is a very smart little guy, and I am trying to be the best leader that I can be for him.  I learned from the mistakes I made with MissSassy and I am trying to avoid them. 

Although she is the princess that holds my heart, she can be a brat *laughin*.  I love her though, I just do not want to deal with those same issues with Chulo.  He has now sits on comand, will stay, and is very good on the leash,  he also shakes paws, (its adorable).  The potty training is coming along, he still has random accidents, but not as many as I was expecting.  That of course is great! I found a site that has some nice information on potty training, maybe it will be helpful to someone else.

I am being a very positive re enforcer and so far he has show to be a pretty confident little guy.  He is not scared of big dogs, he will run right up to them and try to play with every doggy he sees.  I do ask if they are friendly before I let him fully aproach each dog.  Some doggies just do not want to be bothered.  So I have found that the best thing to do is ask the owner if it is ok for Chulo to aproach their doggy.  Most of the time its a yes and they have a nice little moment to meet and we move on.  I am just so happy that he is doing so well with everything.  I am a proud doggy mommy...*giggles*

This moring we woke up and the sun was shinning so beautiful that we had to take a picture...please excuse my face, its morning face!  It might not be as pretty as Chulos' little face.  Enjoy!

2Pac doll...ummmhhh weird or not??

Posted by darklilcaramel on 12:16 AM comments (0)

I ran into this picture and at first I did not know if it was real or if it was a joke.  I tried to find out who the maker of the action figure was but I had no luck.  The original which is in the picture I have was made in 2001, there is another that was made in 2006.  I dont know if I think it's cool that there is an action figure, or if I think its just embarrasing.  I wonder what 2Pac would think of all this???