puppy update...

Posted by darklilcaramel on 1:15 AM

My little puppy Chulo has grown a lot since he first came to live with me.  He is now almost 2 times the size he was when he first got here.  I can not believe how fast he is going and how quickly time slips through our hands.  He is a very smart little guy, and I am trying to be the best leader that I can be for him.  I learned from the mistakes I made with MissSassy and I am trying to avoid them. 

Although she is the princess that holds my heart, she can be a brat *laughin*.  I love her though, I just do not want to deal with those same issues with Chulo.  He has now sits on comand, will stay, and is very good on the leash,  he also shakes paws, (its adorable).  The potty training is coming along, he still has random accidents, but not as many as I was expecting.  That of course is great! I found a site that has some nice information on potty training, maybe it will be helpful to someone else.  http://www.perfectpaws.com/htrp.html

I am being a very positive re enforcer and so far he has show to be a pretty confident little guy.  He is not scared of big dogs, he will run right up to them and try to play with every doggy he sees.  I do ask if they are friendly before I let him fully aproach each dog.  Some doggies just do not want to be bothered.  So I have found that the best thing to do is ask the owner if it is ok for Chulo to aproach their doggy.  Most of the time its a yes and they have a nice little moment to meet and we move on.  I am just so happy that he is doing so well with everything.  I am a proud doggy mommy...*giggles*

This moring we woke up and the sun was shinning so beautiful that we had to take a picture...please excuse my face, its morning face!  It might not be as pretty as Chulos' little face.  Enjoy!


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